Surya A aka Sun Salutation A.
Surya B aka Sun Salutation B.
Ashtanga Primary series.
This posture has been in my practice since the beginning. And now it's one I come back to regularly.
Why it's awesome :
• Allows you to identify imbalances in your body.
• It's an inversion! Your head is below the heart.
• This posture can be a rest during your practice.
• I believe it's a foundational posture for most practices.
How can you get into this posture and go deeper?
Let's start from the feet up for this one.
Okay, your feet can be together or hip distance. This depends on the style of yoga you practice and what is best for YOUR body.
For me, I prefer to stand with my feet hip distance. It allows me to go deeper in the posture.
Notice your feet. Press down the outer arches of your feet while you lift your inner arches.
Now, your shins - are they pressing backing?
Are they too far forward?
Are your knees in line with your ankles?
Contract or engage your quads. Can you feel your kneecaps lift?
Now is the booty pressing back? Shifting slightly forward?
Your legs don't have to be straight. There can be a slight bend in your knees.
This allows your hamstrings to lengthen on the back side of the upper legs.
What is happening in your body?
What do you feel *engage*?
Let's now focus on the hips up a bit. Draw your front ribs toward your front hips.
Lift your sternum.
Spread across your collarbone.
What do you feel?
Relax your neck - head - jaw - forehead.
Now check in - do you want to go deeper?
Do you just want to chill and rest?
"I know you can do more in your poses, but, can you do less?" Judith Hanson Lasater