Hello there - I'm Chloe and this is my first blog post in over 5 years...3 babies and another on the way, so life has been busy - yoga, however, has been a constant the past 5, well 20 years.
Yes, my practice has changed- can I do a few poses here? Listen to a Ram Dass lecture for a few min while in the car, or while doing dishes? Or, while out in nature taking a few moments to just *breathe* - listen to the sounds, while being careful not to step on a cactus.....
So join me as my intention for this blog is to share everything YOGA from postures to mantras to inspirational yogis (present and past) to mythology and also some food recipes , other passions and hiking recommendations along the way.
Subscribe to the blog to stay current with my latest post - so grateful you are here , thank you!
Be Gentle With Yourself
Love, Chloe